NASA INGENUITY: The Pinnacle of Modern Engineering

The man-made object to fly on a different planet

Amit Chauhan
3 min readJul 14, 2021
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

For the people who saw the name INGENUITY for the first time, let me tell you what actually it is and why you should know about it, I can bet one thing after you all read this article you all will be astonished and your mind will be blown away that humans have achieved something like this which is groundbreaking in the field of space exploration. Now let us talk about it.

INGENUITY is a helicopter designed and developed by JET PROPULSION LABORATORY (JPL) NASA,

It is the first man-made object to fly on a different planet on its own, it is fully autonomous. NASA send this helicopter with the perseverance rover in 2020 with the main goal of finding any possible form of life or any remains of life on Mars.

but a question arises, it’s just a helicopter why does it worth so much attention, let me tell you its not just a normal helicopter it’s a helicopter that flies on mars. Let’s get to some further details, a question arises in our mind why flying on mars is a great deal it’s because Mars has an atmosphere about 1% as of earth.

The flying is a phenomenon which requires air to push in the opposite direction to create thrust to lift off an object, so a place having so low atmospheric…

