Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques of Mind Science

How to handle thoughts with the mind

Amit Chauhan
2 min readMar 2, 2023
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Is there any science that can transform your life completely in health, success, relationship, social standing, or spiritual life?

There is a science in these areas to empower your life to transform your life completely.

The name of this science is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It consists of three words as shown below:

  1. Neuro means mind.
  2. Linguistic means language that comprises verbal and body language.
  3. Programming means we can program neurology with linguistics.

We try to understand the world with a mind, but how the mind works is an important aspect to know.

It’s so strange that the tool we are using to understand everything but no one is providing the knowledge to understand this tool i.e. mind. So, sometimes it is difficult to create successful and life change decisions.

When we see some people creating success on a massive scale then there is a 99% chance that the person is using some strategy to use the tool.

Mind the divided into two parts.

  1. Conscious mind
  2. Sub-conscious mind

